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hope evangelical lutheran church, lcms

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*Header Photo by a Hope member:  Hope's Lewis Center home Bible study group


Pastor Meyer's daily lectionarybible reading group (online)

Facebook group begun January 1, 2021. To join, click here >>

About: We'll be following along with the daily lectionary from Lutheran Service Book. Ask questions! Share your observation! Pastor Meyer will moderate all discussions and as it is with his confirmation class, in this Facebook he is the benevolent dictator ;)
Private: Only members can see who's in the group and what they post.
Visible: Anyone can find this group [on the internet]


  • Read Scripture from your Bible, or The Treasury of Daily Prayer or the phone app, Pray Now, both by Concordia Publishing
  • One-page online reading: enter each chapter and verses into the search bar of online Bible websites, such as:  esv.org;  biblegateway.org
  • Listen to to the day's Bible passages on the above online Bible websites, esv.org being most user friendly.

Ex.: esv.org, Isaiah 62:1-12; Luke 2:1-20, listen to both passages consecutively;  biblegateway.com only reads aloud the first passage listed,Isaiah 62:1-12; Luke 2:1-20

VDMA Bible & Theology study with Pastor Meyer >> 


Lewis Center Bible Study

This study meets in a member home on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 7:00-9:00 PM.  New folks are welcome to jump-in anytime. Don't stay away from the study group just because you haven't had time to do the independent study; you will gain much from just our group study time. To ask connect with the Bible study leader,click here >>


living hope youth group ​(7th-12th grade)

One Sunday afternoon each month Hope's senior-youth head out to a restaurant after the second service, partake in a Bible study led by Pastor Meyer, then to a fun activity. Click Here for schedule >> 


anchored kids children's GROUP (1st-6th grade)

Our Anchored children's group meets at Hope one Sunday afternoon each month, after the second service.  There will be a fun activity and Bible study time, lasting about 90 minutes. Once or twice a year the activity will be offsite. Click here for schedule >>  



We offer a two-year confirmation program at Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church. Both years are  spent learning Biblical doctrine as summarized in Luther's Small Catechism. Questions? Click here >>.


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                  "Confirmation"  page >>

bible studies