[Scripture, Lord's Supper, Baptism] Read >>


(Seeing the Sacraments in the Scriptures), Read >>


(A Walk Through the Liturgy), Listen >>


​​(A Walk Through the Liturgy), Listen >>




* "Children in the Divine Service" adapted from

Our Savior Evangelical Lutheran church, Hartland, MI






​​Lutheran Worship, traditionally called "The Divine Service," puts the focus squarely on Jesus Christ, who is present for us and with us through His gifts of His Word

and sacraments (Baptism and The Lord's Supper). Lutheran worship is, therefore, Christ-centered, not man-centered. When we are gathered for worship, we are not contemplating some far-off Christ or meditating on abstract concepts, or pondering various principles for living. Neither are we in the church to be amused or entertained. Christ is living and active among us, right where He has promised to be, in His gifts to us: His Word [Scripture] and Sacraments [Baptism, Lord's Supper]. What a blessing it is to be called and gathered for worship by our good and gracious God!

The rhythm of our worship is from Him to us, and then from us back to Him. He gives His gifts, and together we receive and extol them. We build one another up as we speak to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Jesus Christ serves us again and again as His Gospel is proclaimed, as His people are baptized and as His Word is read. He serves us as His forgiveness is pronounced and penitents absolved. He serves us as He gives us His body and blood under the Bread and wine to eat and to drink. These gifts are how our Lord gives us forgiveness, life, and salvation.



8:15 Am and 10:30 AM 

Our pianist accompanies us as we sing hymns,

and follow one of the Divine Service liturgical*

settings from The Lutheran Service Book . 

The Scripture readings follow the Three-Year

Lectionary*. Watch live or recorded services >>



Music is a very meaningful part of our worship

service at Hope. With the weekly Scripture readings 

(Lectionary) in mind, our pastor chooses several 

hymns from The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod's 

Lutheran Service Book, which richly proclaim God's

Word.  All congregational singing is accompanied 

by the piano, including parts of the service where the

liturgy is sung by our pastor, and the congregation.  

The Divine Service at Hope often includes hymns sung

by our adult choir.  Occasionally, congregational singing

is accompanied by the gifts of various instrumentalists,

particularly on the 5th Sundays of a month.  ​​

Sunday schedule

Divine Service with Holy Communion

8:15 & 10:30 AM

About Communion Participation >>

Bible Study & Sunday School

9:30 - 10:15 AM

Hospitality refreshments are

served between services

Live Stream & Recorded Services >>



Over the centuries, the church has recognized the vital role its worship plays in the formation of faith in the lives of God's people. Through

weekly repetition of basic, Gospel-centered texts from Holy Scripture, woven throughout the Divine Service, the people of God are schooled in the fundamental teachings of the Christian faith. This repetitive pattern or "liturgy", and hymns, serve as building blocks for a lifetime of receiving God's gifts through Word and Sacrament. 


Inextricably joined to this concept of the liturgy as a teacher of the faith is the discipline of the lectionary. This is a set series of Biblical texts which covers key passages as it moves systematically through the entire Bible, in a one-year or three-year period, and is then repeated again. Passages from each: the Old Testament, the New Testament Gospels, and the New Testament Letters (Epistles) make up the typical lectionary reading for each Sunday and will be the main source from which the pastor will preach the sermon.

Through the use of the lectionary, each year the Church enters into the story of Christ and His work of salvation, beginning with the anticipation of His coming (Advent) and proceeding through His ascension and sending of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost). Here again the worshiper is schooled in the fundamentals of the faith by being linked to the life and work of Jesus.

Read "Worship and Congregational Life" and "The What About Series" to learn more about Lutheran worship practices, and our beliefs in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS).


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​in the divine service

The Lord said so clearly, “Let the little children come

to me and do not forbid them…” (Mark 10:14).  Rejoice            in the gift of your little ones and know that God gave          them the vibrant energy that sometimes causes them              to wiggle and make noise. They belong right here in God’s house where you have so faithfully brought them.  Stick      with it! Do what you can to quietly explain the parts of the Divine Service, the actions of the pastor, the altar assistants, and the like. If you need help, the volume Worshiping with Angels and Archangels is available on the book rack in entrance of the church (ask an usher if you need help). It is full of helpful explanations regarding why we do what we do in holy worship.

Remember, too, that children learn the language of faith

in the same way they learn to speak their native language   

– by watching and listening to you! Sing the hymns, fold your hands and pray, participate in the liturgy as best as you can.

It will take patience. It will be challenging. It may even take a few YEARS! But it will be worth it!

Certainly we don’t want to make it difficult for the people around us to receive what Christ is seeking to give to them, and so there is a certain level of courtesy and common sense that must be employed for keeping a child in the pews when

he clearly needs to be taken into the nursery or fellowship hall for “parental recalibration” (e.g. screaming at the top of his lungs during the scripture readings or sermon). Nevertheless, you and your child belong in the presence of Jesus. Correct

and calm him as best you can and then come back AS SOON AS YOU ARE ABLE!

The blessing is ours, to greet the little ones with a smile, and build up and encourage parents in love. The presence of children in this place is a gift from God and a visual reminder that He is keeping His promise that the gates of hell will never prevail against His church. Behold, a simple proof that the Gospel will indeed be preserved for generations to come!*



adult bible study

9:30 Am

Our Sunday School classes are a welcoming and safe place for people of all ages.  We are blessed to have a team of men and women teaching each group of children: our preschool-2nd grade; 3rd-5th grades; middle schoolers; and high school.  For more details about our children's Sunday School program, go to our Children & Parents page >>

We encourage everyone to take advantage of Pastor Meyer's Sunday morning adult Bible studies!  Babies and toddlers are welcome to accompany their parents in the sanctuary -- there's plenty of room for a busy little one to move around and play with some toys, while Mom and Dad enjoy some good discussion and learning nearby.  Teens are welcome to attend the adult study or the teen study.  Sunday Adult Bible studies are recorded -- click here to listen.  Classes for adults and children are combined for intergenerational study and fellowship on special occasions.

In Sunday school, no question is a silly question, or too simplistic to be worthy of being asked. No matter where we are in our understanding of the Christian faith, our goal is to encourage one another as we learn the Scriptures together. We trust the Holy Spirit to work through His Word, wherever it is preached or taught, to deliver to us what He has promised: that His Law would confront us, and "repent us" in our ever-present struggle with sin; that He will point us to our merciful Christ who forgives sins and gives us salvation, apart from any merit of our own. Through this Word of Gospel, we trust the Holy Spirit to grow in us hearts of love and gratitude, which respond in happy, humble obedience to His written Will, and in compassionate service to our neighbor. 


The divine service 
